Updates on Solar bill

Mason-Dixon interviewed 625 registered Florida voters by telephone Feb. 7-10 for the poll, and here are some of the key factors gathered.

While conversations are ongoing in regards to the bill, voters seem more inclined to support the net metering program and lawmakers that are supporting the program. According to a new Mason-Dixon poll those voters account to the 84%
“It’s clear that Floridians overwhelmingly support the freedom to choose rooftop solar for their homes and businesses,” said Justin Vandenbroeck, president of the Florida Solar Energy Industries Association.
After this poll results showed that homeowners have the best interest in keeping the net metering program but of course fearful that the utility companies have the upper hand on this bill passing.

“Rooftop solar empowers families across Florida to take control of their utility bills and harvest their own electricity,” said Sun Harvest Energy CEO Ben Millar. “The solar industry is just beginning to grow in Florida, and the future is bright. But eliminating net metering stomps out opportunity, putting solar out of reach for millions of families.”

Img Update, OwlgenSolar

Florida know as the Sunshine State extends for almost 450 miles. Florida has a lot of solar energy potential, as well as a lot of biomass resources but just a little bit of oil and gas output. Florida was mostly rural and lightly inhabited until the twentieth century, but it has since become one of the fastest-growing states in the US, in part, due to air conditioning becoming available, as well as the attractiveness of the state as a tourist and retirement destination.

Florida is the third-most populous state in the US and the third-largest consumer of energy. The residential sector, which uses air conditioning in practically every home, accounts for more than a quarter of the state’s energy usage. The commercial sector used more than a fifth of the state’s energy, while the industrial sector used little more than a tenth. In conclusion, Florida consumes over eight times as much energy as it produces.

fter Texas, Florida is the country’s second-largest electrical generator. Since 2003, when natural gas overtook coal as the leading source of electricity in Florida, it has accounted for the majority of the state’s electrical generation. In the event of natural gas supply shortages in 2020, over two-thirds of the state’s natural gas-fired power plants could switch to petroleum fuels.

After Texas and California, Florida is the third-largest electricity consumer in the nation. However, the state produces insufficient electricity to meet its needs, and electricity demand is predicted to rise as the state’s population grows. The residential sector consumes more than half of the electricity consumed in Florida, accounting for the greatest share of any state. More than 9 out of 10 Florida families utilize electricity as their major energy source for home heating and air conditioning.

In 2020, renewable resources generated around 5% of Florida’s in-state electricity net generation, with solar energy accounting for about two-thirds of the state’s renewable generation. Florida will exceed Arizona in total solar power generating capacity in 2020, putting it fourth in the country behind California, Texas, and North Carolina. Other renewable energy resources in Florida are limited. A limited quantity of electricity is generated by two hydroelectric plants in north Florida. However, due to the state’s flat geography, hydropower development is limited in Florida. 

Although Florida does not have a renewable energy portfolio standard, it does have incentives, tax credits, and loan programs for specific renewable energy technology. For eligible customer-sited renewable energy generating plants, the state has enacted net metering and interconnection laws. Also, the Florida Public Service Commission has set specific energy efficiency goals for Florida utilities.