Protest after Bill 1024

After this senate bill by 2023 the state of Florida would be facing a 93% decrease on Solar installations. Currently the net metering program assists with the offsetting of energy consumption from the grid so homes and businesses have the independence to rely on their own electric resources, leaving no room for them to sell back excess power to the electric company if the bill passes.

“This bill would decimate the solar industry, it would pull the rug out from underneath solar customers who have already made large investments,” Heaven Campbell from Solar United Neighbors said.

Net metering incentives solar customers while surrounding non-solar users pay to maintain the grid but if the situation does not compensate and as Florida Power & Light predicted customers will see their monthly electric bills rise by 18% by 2025 under the utility’s proposed four-year rate plan submitted to state utility regulators. Now, customers won’t have any other route than to face rate increases mandated by the electric company.